Saturday, October 25, 2008


Hey guys,

So originally, this was to be an article about Joy & Pain, because I really wanted to vent about the kids who tried to take me and my girlfriend out while at the mall earlier. But I'm so overwhelmed with the happiness that I'll forgo the venting for tonight.

To get started I guess, day after day I go through things that make me realize that I am truly getting older. Yesterday, I was at home with my girlfriend (mind you we moved across the country together) and just looking for something to do but not really trying to get into anything too active. It's a Friday night in Seattle so of course there are things to do. There was just too much going on for me after the long week I had at work. After coming up and shooting down a bunch of options, we decided to stay home, get the fireplace going and just have a romantic evening. Just the 2 of us... Oh yeah, that's my fireplace above. Aint it pretty??? LOL I grew up in a lower income neighborhood in Brooklyn. I have never had a fireplace in my life. But now I do... That's sign number 1.

Then today I get a call from a friend of mine saying 2 people who we went to high school with back in Brooklyn are now engaged to be married. The thing about it is these 2 people have been together for what seems like forever; so I was happy to hear the news. But there's more... My boy proposed on MTV. Click here to see the video on Ok now if that's not touching, I don't know what is. And I haven't done a good job of keeping in contact with folks, but to Damien & Kelly, I wish you guys the best on your pending nuptials and really your life together. I look at that like wow, people I went to high school with are getting married... What's that mean? We're growing up man... AKA SIGN NUMBER 2!

Then, I'm driving from the furniture store earlier today and just taking in the scenery and thinking to myself, I moved across the country from everything I know to Seattle to pursue my dreams... my happiness... and I'm truly happy. You gotta understand that I wasn't exposed to a lot of success. In fact, I would dare say I was underexposed to that thing. And a lot of people I know never leave New York. A lot of people I saw were going to work just to get by, but now I live and work with people who are in their careers doing what they love. (AND THERE IS A DIFFERENCE LET ME TELL YA). So here it is again another sign that I'm getting older.  SIGN NUMBER 3! Oh and this picture to the left here is a view of the Seattle skyline from West Seattle, seen as we were going back home. Pretty aint it?

I'm so happy with how my life has turned out... I have followed my dreams and with hard work, no food or money some days during college, discipline (thanks to Lindsay forcing me to do my homework before we would hang out to watch House), determination, finding my passion... Having support from great friends, very close family, and the various people who have come and gone helped drudge things along as well. I just can't be happier with where my life is right now. I've got my love with me, I've got a career on the up and up, and friends & family who are trying to be successful in their own endeavors.

Being the first one of my immediate siblings to graduate from college, I truly believe everyone should be living their dream. When that happens, life just doesn't seem as hard any longer. So my advice: Ask yourself what makes you happy, and if that's not what's in your life, do what you need to in order to get it into your life. Keep pushing and like Damien & Kelly, or even my sister who just got married a couple of weeks ago, it'll make life just that much more happier. The signs tell me I'm getting older, but I don't recognize it because I sure am having a lot of fun living my life today.

Ok, time to open up the floor. Tell me, if you're on the path to making the things you want happen in your life, how does it feel? If you know what you want but can't pair the two, tell me what's stopping you. If you have attained success and just want to impart wisdom from the other side, share with us.

Until next time,


P.S.: So I got a comment from someone saying that they felt uncomfortable putting their comments online here. Please, if you do, let me know (either on this page or via email) and I will work as hard as possible to make this the most neutral zone I can for everyone to comment. Because everyone's perspective is a valid one (as long as you don't disrespect others on this page).


  1. It is nice to read about joy and happy things. I am extremely proud of you and the man you have become. I am proud of the moves you have made and continue to make in so many arenas of your life. You truly are the "rock star" that you strive to be. Who would have thought that the boy from the projects would grow up and become a "PC" (lol). Hard work pays off and you deserve all of this and more!

  2. So joy...hmmm. I must say that is definitely a feeling that I have become accustomed to these days. God has been doing wonderful things in my life so I definitely give him the glory. I'm one of those people who is on her way to being exactly where she wants to be. Not there yet, but I'm already on the right path and I feel myself getting closer everyday. It feels good I must say. Life keeps proving to me that everything happens for a reason and God knows exactly what he's doing. I'm thrilled about things to come. So while I'm not completely where I want to be I'm definitely joyful because I'm doing the right things to make sure I get there soon.
