Sunday, November 16, 2008

What If We Think Outside of the Box...

Hey guys,

Ok so I always start off by saying I love my readers because you guys are some of the most devoted people I have ever seen. This being the case, I need to apologize for not being on top of things and getting more entries up. So to make up for it, I will be putting up at least 3 entries this week (not including this one). I'm hoping that this will make up for some, if not all of my absent entries... Expect to see me touch a little of love, politics, education, computing, and whatever randomness happens to come out of my head.

Ok now to get into tonight's blog... it's amazing how things happen. I am one who believes that everything happens for a reason. We may not immediately know what that reason is but if it's meant for us to find these things out, then we'll find them out. And so I'm thinking about the idea of making changes in my own life... Not so much the idea of making changes but the power to make change.

So many of my friends are experiencing hardship, whether it be job, love, family, or just life related. As I sit back and hear things, or even think about some of my own personal dilemmas (because I certainly am not immune) one of the things that constantly sits in the back of my mind is the idea of changing my outlook on things. It's very easy to say "Oh I have a problem," or "Oh I don't know what to do. I don't even know where to begin." However, I realize that a lot of times we don't think about possible solutions.

So my message tonight is to challenge yourself. If you have a problem that you think is so insurmountable that you have absolutely no options, take a second look at it from a different perspective. Try one so out of the box and see where it takes you. The idea behind this is to challenge yourself to do something differently than you did before you had the problem. Because in order to get to places you've never been, you have to do things you've never done.

All too often, I think we as a people complain about the have nots and don't think about the haves. And so with this challenge comes a different way of thinking. It introduces the idea of living your life the way you choose. While this does not make you immune to problems, it definitely helps reduce the amount of stress in your life. I can personally attest to this.

As I leave you guys, I wonder if this helps you. This being the idea of thinking out of the box and how it impacts your decision making. Let me know if you think this is all complete crap. I love hearing different reactions, and would rather read them as opposed to listening to you guys as you call and leave messages on my cell phone (or in our conversations). So you know what to do.

Until next time,


<P.S>Head over to Seattle's Top Model Contest and vote for Ericka Sherrell to win. We're trying to get her up to number 1 and out to the Top Model casting call in LA. Thanks guys.</P.S>

Thursday, November 6, 2008

I'm Black & I'm Proud

Hey guys,

Wow so here we are back at it... I gotta tell you all these last 2 days have been really emotional for me. The changes that have begun to take place here in America, I think, have made all Americans take a deeper look at ourselves and our country. This being the case, I don't know where to start tonight.

I'll start with Barbara Walters. Now I know a lot of you are wondering, "What in the blue hell is he about to say???" Yeah, Barbara Walters and her show, The View, on ABC has got me to thinking.

<side note>As a fan of people expressing themselves and being open to sensible persuasion, I am an avid fan of The View. If you're laughing right now, Shut up! LMAO</side note>

So The View has a segment called Hot Topics, where the panelists talk about the current events. You have to understand there are 5 different women including Barbara Walters, from different backgrounds & walks of life. So it's really interesting when they disagree. Nevertheless, I digress... Barbara made a comment today, in regards to wondering how President-Elect Obama's victory impacted Black men in and around the country. Moreover, how his victory affect our ability to aspire.

Well I can't speak for all men, but I sure the hell can speak for myself. A lot of people who know me know my personality to be that of a progressive person... An independent thinker who has gone through many trials & tribulations and continues steadfast towards achieving any goals I set for myself. Let me step back and give you a bit of background.

I lost my mom at the age of 3, and have a gang of siblings. Combine that with coming up in a lower income neighborhood, and it'll give you some perspective on my life. To add a bit more substance to this picture, I (being the 4th out of 6 kids) was the first one of my siblings to graduate from college. It's not to say the others have not tried or that college is for everyone. It's to say that college was so important to me that I continued to push to make my dream a reality. Alas, not only did I get to go to the culture rich institution that is Howard University, but I completed my degree and was able to achieve a goal that I had not seen others around me attain.

Let's add some more substance to this... Hearing this background could make one think that I had opportunities a lot of other people don't have, and I do agree to some degree. However, let's make no mistake about it. I grew up in the same country where injustices and prejudices occur everyday (on a multitude of levels). While I have not limited my aspirations because of this, I have had to endure through the same situations that many others have had to. Ok so now let's introduce the Obama factor...

I have always aspired and continue to aspire today to reach greater heights. The Obama factor tells me that I'm doing something right. I believe a common theme is to tell people to continue to dream, but being a Black kid and hearing that message at one time meant dream as much as "they" allow you to dream. (I won't go into detail about who "they" are.) And God bless Sherri Shepherd as she cried on ABC's The View when recalling how she told her own son that now we as a people have no limitations thanks to President-Elect Obama...

Let's take a moment to understand what that means. For a long time, people preached the message of being responsible for your own actions and working together as a people to achieve a common goal. For a long time, kids were taught they could be doctors, lawyers, politicians, engineers (and probably still are today)... But as a Black kid, it never "really" seemed possible. That world wasn't the same world I lived in, so it just never seemed like that message was directed to me. Well thanks to the Obama factor, I can remove the words "never really" in the previous sentence because it is so much of a possibility today that there are no excuses... no limitations.

There are probably some reading this thinking, well if anyone set those limitations it would be me doing it to myself. And I say that I disagree. Being a part of a disenfranchised minority in America for so long produces this way of thinking. Not validating its correctness, more so stating the effects of living in this country. Of course, it will take time for the Obama factor to seep in (so I don't expect everything to go away over night) but I think about what's changed between yesterday and today and I know the answer.

For once, I woke up and felt a bit better to be a Black man in America, because the significance of this change has touched everyone in a different way. For me as a Black man, I can't put to words all of the different dimensions in which this has touched my life. But in the words of the original Godfather of Soul, I woke up today ready to grab a megaphone and shout out, "I'M BLACK AND I'M PROUD." God, what a wonderful feeling....

So tonight, I'm not looking for reactions or responses from you guys. I love you all for reading and I hope that from this, you take a moment and think about this idea that we have "no limitations" stopping us from being what we want to be... doing what we want to do... growing in ways that we never imagined because President-Elect Obama has joined the others (and I won't run down the names)who've paved the way to create a bigger, brighter future for the youths behind us. God Bless America!!!

Now some of you may feel the urge to comment, and go right on ahead because I love hearing people's responses.

Until next time,


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Change We Will Believe In

Hey guys,

I have to say that I come tonight with a heavy heart because the tide has certainly turned in the world. As we all know, Nov. 4th was Election Day for the United States. It was revolutionary... It was historic... We had an African American & a Roman Catholic competing against a former Prisoner of War & a female Vice Presidential pick. Tonight America made history. Tonight we took giant steps towards the future, in electing Senator Barack Obama the first African American President of the United States of America.

As I sit here tonight, I can't help but shed a tear. I am crying for too many reasons... I don't even know that I can get all of them down here... But I'll damn sure try.

First, I remember what it was to be a little black boy hearing stories of Martin Luther King and of the oppression African Americans have faced in this country. I think of the graphic images of Emmitt Till... Of Rosa Parks and her ordeals... Of MLKand his struggles while pursuing the mission of influencing change and uniting people... Of the videos of people being viciously harrassed, attacked damn near to death (if not there already) because of the color of their skin... I could go on and on.

I remember hearing from my teachers, "You can be anything you want to be when you grow up. Maybe even the President of the United States." I also remember not believing it  because there was no example for me to follow.

You see, growing up where I grew up, there weren't too many images of people aspiring to do things with their lives. Where I grew up in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn, there wasn't a lot of success around for me to see as an example of what success could do for me, for my life. And my story is not unique, as I'm sure a lot of people of color can read this and express similar sentiments. But I always remembered those images because it is those images that make me understand that what has happened tonight is bigger than me.

If it had not been for those people who received the beatings, who endured the persecution, who persevered through the injustice, I don't know where I would be. I'm sad because I wish that they were here to see the glorious day that has come, where America has come to accept African Americans, so much that they have entrusted the role of being the leader of the free world to a Black man.

I wish that my mom were here... That my grandmothers & grandfathers were here... That my aunt were here... Because this is bigger than me. Had it not been for my parents and their parents and their parents... Man I need a moment!

I am for the first time in my life excited to say that I AM PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN. I am proud of the opportunities that have been provided for me by my ancestors. I am elated to dream of a future that will come for me, as I don't know what's in store but I do have faith that our new leader, our current President-Elect Obama, will lead us down the path of new beginnings.

I can't go on... But I will end by saying this. For everyone who reads this, I want to hear from you. What does our new President-Elect Obama's victory mean for you?

I'll be back with more later guys, after I compose myself...


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What Ever Happened To... Beat Street???

Hey guys,

So you guys know I love my readers, because you guys are some of the most devoted people on the face of Earth... So devoted that I was shocked as all hell when you lambasted me for not posting for the past couple of days lol!!!

I gotta tell ya I really appreciate the love but can't a brother breathe? HAHAHA I really want to thank you all for your dedication and so I'll say this is all a part of my plan... Get content up so you guys can read and then come back as I have more to write about. And thus, another blog tonight....

So tonight's blog is inspired by Beat Street. Anybody from Brooklyn in their early to late 20's and older should remember Beat Street. That spot on Fulton St in downtown Brooklyn that had everything on vinyl... That spot that all the artists would go to whenever their albums dropped... That spot that had all of the latest music for ridiculously cheap...

Yeah I miss Beat Street. More than that, I miss icies from the icy cart on the street. I miss quarter waters, in those plastic containers with the green caps.

<side note>Those containers have been deemed unsafe now. I wonder what that means for my health.</side note>

And riding on pegs on bikes in and out of Brooklyn streets. Oh oh oh... I can't forget Blimpies sandwiches. I miss those little Marino icies that came in the paper cups (not those plastic things they have now) that made ya hands sticky.

Ya know what else I miss??? Coney Island amusement park. Screw Six Flags. Coney Island was where it was at... And I miss Toys R Us in what used to be Albee Square Mall. OH OH OH... And, while I didn't personally shop there, I miss PC Richard & Son (remember the theme song... "You'll saaaaaavveeee Save Money Mooonnnneeeeyyyy... You'll saaaaaavveeee at PC RICHARDS LOL"). And Woolworth drug stores.

Yeah I'm getting a little home sick as you can see. As Dorothy said back in the Wizard of Oz, there's no place like home. No matter how dirty Brooklyn gets or how noisy it is at all hours of the day or how bad it smells when you cross the Verrazano bridge, there is just no place like home. And while I love the fact that I'm getting older, there's something that I'm leaving behind. That something... is home!

I love Brooklyn, but I can't be the person I believe that I was meant to be if I stayed home all of my life. And still, I miss it. So tonight's blog is in honor of Beat Street because Beat Street was one of those things that made me appreciate Brooklyn in my youth. And while it may not be there anymore, anytime I walk down Fulton Street across from what used to be Albee Square Mall, I'll remember what it was to be young and growing up in Brooklyn, NY.

Ok time to open it up. I want to hear from you guys. What are some of the things from your childhood that you love? That you miss? What about my NY people? Let me know if I missed anything or if you had other experiences that made you fall in love with Brooklyn all over again.

Until next time,


Sunday, October 26, 2008

I Got Nothing...

Hey guys,

So tonight, I got nothing lol! It's been a long weekend of looking at furniture, doing research for work, enjoying the Seattle weather, and yeah now I'm wiped out... So I guess I'll be seeing you guys tomorrow night.... Same time... Same place... Same channel.

Until next time,


Saturday, October 25, 2008


Hey guys,

So originally, this was to be an article about Joy & Pain, because I really wanted to vent about the kids who tried to take me and my girlfriend out while at the mall earlier. But I'm so overwhelmed with the happiness that I'll forgo the venting for tonight.

To get started I guess, day after day I go through things that make me realize that I am truly getting older. Yesterday, I was at home with my girlfriend (mind you we moved across the country together) and just looking for something to do but not really trying to get into anything too active. It's a Friday night in Seattle so of course there are things to do. There was just too much going on for me after the long week I had at work. After coming up and shooting down a bunch of options, we decided to stay home, get the fireplace going and just have a romantic evening. Just the 2 of us... Oh yeah, that's my fireplace above. Aint it pretty??? LOL I grew up in a lower income neighborhood in Brooklyn. I have never had a fireplace in my life. But now I do... That's sign number 1.

Then today I get a call from a friend of mine saying 2 people who we went to high school with back in Brooklyn are now engaged to be married. The thing about it is these 2 people have been together for what seems like forever; so I was happy to hear the news. But there's more... My boy proposed on MTV. Click here to see the video on Ok now if that's not touching, I don't know what is. And I haven't done a good job of keeping in contact with folks, but to Damien & Kelly, I wish you guys the best on your pending nuptials and really your life together. I look at that like wow, people I went to high school with are getting married... What's that mean? We're growing up man... AKA SIGN NUMBER 2!

Then, I'm driving from the furniture store earlier today and just taking in the scenery and thinking to myself, I moved across the country from everything I know to Seattle to pursue my dreams... my happiness... and I'm truly happy. You gotta understand that I wasn't exposed to a lot of success. In fact, I would dare say I was underexposed to that thing. And a lot of people I know never leave New York. A lot of people I saw were going to work just to get by, but now I live and work with people who are in their careers doing what they love. (AND THERE IS A DIFFERENCE LET ME TELL YA). So here it is again another sign that I'm getting older.  SIGN NUMBER 3! Oh and this picture to the left here is a view of the Seattle skyline from West Seattle, seen as we were going back home. Pretty aint it?

I'm so happy with how my life has turned out... I have followed my dreams and with hard work, no food or money some days during college, discipline (thanks to Lindsay forcing me to do my homework before we would hang out to watch House), determination, finding my passion... Having support from great friends, very close family, and the various people who have come and gone helped drudge things along as well. I just can't be happier with where my life is right now. I've got my love with me, I've got a career on the up and up, and friends & family who are trying to be successful in their own endeavors.

Being the first one of my immediate siblings to graduate from college, I truly believe everyone should be living their dream. When that happens, life just doesn't seem as hard any longer. So my advice: Ask yourself what makes you happy, and if that's not what's in your life, do what you need to in order to get it into your life. Keep pushing and like Damien & Kelly, or even my sister who just got married a couple of weeks ago, it'll make life just that much more happier. The signs tell me I'm getting older, but I don't recognize it because I sure am having a lot of fun living my life today.

Ok, time to open up the floor. Tell me, if you're on the path to making the things you want happen in your life, how does it feel? If you know what you want but can't pair the two, tell me what's stopping you. If you have attained success and just want to impart wisdom from the other side, share with us.

Until next time,


P.S.: So I got a comment from someone saying that they felt uncomfortable putting their comments online here. Please, if you do, let me know (either on this page or via email) and I will work as hard as possible to make this the most neutral zone I can for everyone to comment. Because everyone's perspective is a valid one (as long as you don't disrespect others on this page).

Friday, October 24, 2008

I Can't Believe She Did That

Hey guys,

So a couple of quick things before we get into tonight's blog... Thanks so much to everyone that texted me, called me, emailed me, hit me on Facebook about the last 2 blogs. I definitely didn't expect it to get that reaction but it was really appreciated.

2nd thing, I'm feeling antsy tonight. So this means I may probably put up 2 blogs tonight. I hope you all like them both.

Ok... The topic of tonight's blog: Republic college student Ashley Todd. For those of you who don't know Ashley Todd, she's a college student volunteering to work with the Republican party (helping John McCain get elected) out in either Pittsburgh, New York or Texas. The story wasn't real clear on that part. Why am I devoting a blog to her? Her story is that she lied to the cops, said that a 6'4" black man attacked her and scratched the letter 'B' on her face in retaliation for having a sticker in support of John McCain on her car. To read the story yourself, head over to MSNBC. Here's the link: McCain volunteer charged in attack hoax.

Now I'm upset from a bunch of different perspectives. As a black man just trying to make it... As a supporter of Barack Obama... As a proud American. As a black man, I can't believe that people could display such an ignorance that they would take the presence of black people in America as a joke; so much so that they can continue to pin false allegations against us. We have enough problems already. As a black man, I was taught to be cautious about how I walk in the street, how quickly I walk, what I wear, who I am associated with, the times of day I go out... Why? Because a lot of people already fear me because of my skin color. AND NOW this girl decides to fabricate such vicious lies, making the perception that black men are all dangerous seem all the more real, except it's not. But I bet she didn't think about this when she ran into a police station and concocted such a foolish story. And what about the people who really have been attacked? She's turned their ordeals into a mockery because of her lies.

As a supporter of Barack Obama, I am the biggest advocate for hearing the other side of the story. I like John McCain. I think he's a smart man who's political story definitely makes him a well qualified candidate for the Office of the President of the United States. I also disagree with his position on a number of things (especially the idea of health care not being a right for all Americans). But at the end of the day, I still respect him... Respect him enough to respect that there are people who do agree with him, like this young lady. I know I'm not the only Barack Obama supporter in America who shares this view. So my question is why did this young lady feel the need to paint out Obama supporters as such extremists that we would go this far, as to scar someone's face in support of the man? That was just completely unnecessary.

I won't get started on being a proud American, except to say as a proud American, I hold all others to the same laws as I do myself which are based on the Constitution. What's the first amendment say??? Something about the right to free speech??? I'm going to go the distance and say, anyone who attacks someone else because they don't agree with what the person is saying is committing an act that is un-American and I could never support any reasoning to rationalize/defend the act. And now let's introduce the fact that this young lady lied... What was the basis of her act? I don't know, but I'll tell ya I don't care because to allege something so traumatic happened to her and then have it turn out to be false makes her somewhat of a selfish person. And it's people like that that shouldn't have the same rights as others.

God bless her... She may have meant well, but I'll definitely say she has no sympathy from me for any backlash she faces from the court system. This is ignorance and selfishness at its best and I can not condone it. Why spend a whole blog about it then? Because I think people should be aware of events like this so that we truly understand what's happening in the world.... POLITICS I TELL YA!

Ok, as always, I want to hear from you guys. If you think I was too harsh, let me know. If you think I was too kind, let me know. If you agree/disagree, let me know. 

Until next time,


Thursday, October 23, 2008

Love & Heartbreak: Pt. 2

Ok ok ok... So last night's blog was actually pretty well received. I've had quite a couple of people respond and say they really liked it. So I'm excited about that. I'm also excited to know that I've got some people thinking... That's the number 1 way to go for impact. So great great news!!!

So to jump straight into tonight's blog, last night I wrote about the pain of heartbreak and thinking about why people end up in such a funk. Tonight is the complete opposite. I got a lot of feedback, and I just knew that people wanted to hear about 1 thing: what about the single people looking for something. Well single people (including newly/soon-to-be single people), I ask you this: You had this great thing, and it didn't work out. What's next?

Ok same premise as last night... Let me get a bit deeper. What's next for you in terms of what you're looking for? And how are you going to get there? I had a conversation earlier today with another very good friend of mine who went through a terrible breakup with a guy she was really into and wants so bad to find her happiness. Let me be fair... She's not looking for it from men or dating or sex. But she's looking alright!

We started talking about some of the things she's trying. (For her privacy, I won't divulge but I can say if I was single, it would be ya typical 20 yr old in the city exploring life and love if ya know what that means!). She admitted that these things she's trying may not be the solution, but they're good space fillers. And as I listened, I told her it would be real interesting to see where she is and how she thinks/feels when she finds that thing she thinks she's looking for.

I say that because so many times, we leave the things of the past looking to start anew, but not really dealing with the things of the past. I have seen on so many Facebook pages how guys are trifling, or not worth a damn, or too good to be true. Guys will put how some girl broke their heart, or how the girl's now a ho after they stopped messing around, or put up pictures that need not be on there with ridiculous commentary. (WAIT!!! Let me run over there and make sure I delete some pics. Gimme one sec. . . . . . . . )

Ok, now that I got rid of the evidence, I'll continue. I think if people can take a candid look at why things went wrong, they'll find some answers as to how to start anew. Reasons like "I didn't do anything. The girls/guys always tried to come talk to me (random occasions at the club)" or "After I trusted them because they knew I got hurt from my past ..."; it's reasons like that that I think make absolutely no sense and I'll tell ya why.

I think people always disregard their part in the ending of something big, major, important. It's like, "it can't be anything I did because I was oh so perfect." Now that I've made that comment, I can see quite a couple of people reading this and thinking they never said that. But the thing is anytime someone admits wrong doing, they give up this perfect facade they think they're living in, and admit that they had a role in messing something up. And ya know what? I don't think that's a bad thing.

If a person can admit that they're wrong, I can trust them faster than a person in constant denial. Why? Because in admission, that person realizes that they have flaws and imperfections, and that's 1 step closer to fixing things than not admitting anything at all. So I guess I need to change my question. To everyone who has left a relationship, have you really thought about your role in why it was a bad relationship? And if you have, how has that changed you (your behavior, your outlook, your new relationships) afterward???

Hit me with your responses. Looking forward to hearing from everybody.

Until Next Time,


P.S.: Thanks again to everyone for reading this. But I need to ask you a favor. I need you guys to support my girl over at the local Top Model contest site out here. She's trying to get a chance to follow a childhood dream of being a model. (Ok maybe that was a bit much. But I'll do whatever it takes to get her to the judges.) So head on over by clicking this link, create a profile, and vote. Think of it as practice for Nov. 4th. LOL Thanks guys.

Ericka Speaks 101

Ok so for a quick posting, my girlfriend has finally started her blog. I'm excited for her, as she claims she's a writer (although I haven't near seen anything she's written) lol. But I'm plugging her blog because that's what people in relationships do...

This also introduces a great opportunity for us to try something inspired by Denene Millner and Nick Chiles. Once a month, we'll do a joint posting on a topic, presenting 2 different perspectives to the item of issue. So look out for that early next month. I can't wait as I think that'll really incite some conversation.

So for now, Congrats babe on getting your site up and running. And let's support. Check it out here at this link.

Until next time,


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Love & Heartbreak

Hey guys,

<side note>So before I start, I just want to say thanks to Microsoft's Windows Live Writer, I have been able to maintain 2 blogs, the one here and the one over at Windows Live Spaces. (God I just gave Google the most clandestine endorsement ever!). I want people to be able to post comments anonymously if they choose to and Blogger lets you do this. So for all of you here at Blogger checking this out, this is for you. Why am I thanking Microsoft? Because using this Live Writer product, I can edit both blogs in 1 location (and I'm doing this on Windows Vista because I'm a PC and DAMN PROUD). So thanks to Microsoft for this. Check it out for yourselves even if you only have 1 blogging site. </side note>

Ok, so tonight's posting is a 2-parter on love. Love and heartbreak... I'll tell ya I don't want to turn into a sap but there's so much heartbreak in the air. I'm inspired tonight by something that recently happened in my life.

A very good friend of mine, more like a sister to me than anything else, has gone through a terrible event with a guy very close to her. To be fair, they both have been going through it, putting each other through the motions, just trying to get back to the place where all was once well. But as I'm sitting here writing this, I can't help but wonder why do we go through these things?

Why do we experience heartbreak? Let me be a little bit more clear... Why do we experience the pain of heartbreak? Why do we put each other through the consequences of heartbreak??? I think about the many hearts that I've broken and the number of times that I've apologized and can't help but wonder... What would these girls' hearts be like if I hadn't come into the picture? What would their lives be like if I hadn't brought them so much pain? What would their opinions be if I hadn't crushed some part of them that was just hoping... dreaming... wishing for the opportunity to have their Prince Charming or their knight in shining armor?

Everyone says well "if you hadn't gone through that, you wouldn't be who you are today." But I sometimes think... "well did I ask to go through that?" More than that, "did they ask to go through that?" Ok... So now comes the part where I say "I didn't mean to hurt those girls." Or better than that, "I'm not perfect. No one's perfect." Except I'm not going to say that. Because while I did have the best of intentions, I absolutely did hurt those girls. I didn't start out wanting to hurt those people. And I didn't want to end up hurting those people. I've taken a hard look at my life and tried to make amends with those people. Because that's not where I wanted things to go. I stepped back into what I wanted and looked at why things ended up where they did. And in some cases I was just a trifling fool who didn't know any better. And in some cases, I got caught up between 2 people who loved me more than they loved life themselves.

I have even looked at my current relationship and expressed doubt. I think 1 of the central things that keeps me in this is thinking about what I want, what she wants, and how we're going to get there. And that truly puts a smile on my face, because it's a realistic future that is not far far away...

So to everyone in a relationship who's taken a look at their relationship and said "I don't know if we're going to make it," remember that neither of you started out wanting to hurt the other. And that's important. Why? Because if you can remember what you wanted when you first started, try to find your way back to getting to where you want to be. Put the effort in to make it work. What do you do when you don't have it in you any more? Remember what Mary J. Blige said in a song on her Growing Pains album, "Just like you sometimes I fall but don't we all. Baby I feel your pain. We're all the same."

Ok. Time to open up the floor... I want to hear from you all. If you've been through it with your significant other, tell me what you did to try and ma

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ke it work. Check back for part 2 tomorrow.

Until next time,


My First Blog

WOW.... This is my first blog EVER!!!! How whack am I???? (23 yrs old and only now learning how to blog. WHAT A SHAME) So I guess I should say something proficient... memorable... driving for impact!

Ok I got it... I hope to make any readers of this thing think differently than before they came to my space. Welcome to Corey's Space. Clearly my name is Corey and I really wasn't inspired to even start this blogging thing. I did it because I read a comment online at my girlfriend's (yes I have a girlfriend who I live with) page for the local Top Model contest out here.

GO TO THIS LINK and vote for her so she can win. What's her name you say? Click the link and actually vote. AND LEAVE A SUPPORTIVE MESSAGE PLEASE. That way we can go to LA and act the fool LOL.

Anyway, so I read this girl's comment she left on my girlfriend's page and it was ridiculously negative. I wanted to post something to tell the girl that she was mean, but Ericka said what I originally had to say was very threatening. So I toned it down. I won't tell you what I finally put. You will have to see it by visiting that link. I took from that that I should have a space to post my comment... So here's my space.

A little bit about me
I'm originally from Brooklyn, NY, born to a family of 6 (4 boys, 2 girls)
23 yrs old I was born on the same day (August 9) as my older sister, except that same day happened 9 yrs after she was born (that's how she ended up being my older sister!) So same birthday, different year
I have a lot of extended family, who may at some point show up in some postings here on the site
Graduated from Howard University with a degree in Systems & Computer Science (HU!!! YOU KNOW!!!!)
Just recently moved to Seattle, WA with my girlfriend to work for Microsoft (YES I'M A PC AND I HAVE NO DAMN PROBLEM SAYING IT)
Love to read a lot of things technical (that's how I got my job), play the piano (absolutely love jazz and gospel), listen to people who have good sense (I don't hate a lot but I HATE IGNORANCE), and being a really good friend

So from that, you can expect to read a bunch of different things in this blog. Some days I'll rant about politics, love, work, family... Some days I'll share some stories of joy to make ya smile... Some days I'll talk about the random things that happen in my life... Some days I'll just post my thoughts to see who in the world is reading this... And some days, I just won't write at all.

A BIT OF FOREWARNING: I will say some controversial things, but always expect me to validate these things. It is very rare that I'll make a statement like, "That was the dumbest thing I have ever seen" without providing something to compare it to as being smarter. That's just me. I hate broad generalizations of the such. So definitely, please don't be scared to tell me you didn't like what you read. Even if you can't stand this posting lol.

So... WELCOME WELCOME... Looking forward to hearing from ya!


The Power Behind Words

Hey guys,

It's nice to be back. I'm trying something new tonight, which is just going off on a rant. I get these things that I feel passionate about and just rant on. Tonight's big thing: WORDS.

<side note>Ok the fact that I'm starting with a side note may not be a good thing. But I love my friends. SO much that I will do whatever I can to protect them in this whole blogging thing. So to do this, you may see the names of various celebrities or television characters throughout the site. This is how I'll refer to my friends. Don't think I ACTUALLY know these people, because I probably don't lol.</side note>

So I was talking to my friend earlier today who I'll call Johnny Mayer (they know who they are)... And we're speaking about the notion of people judging others. It got me to thinking that people are some of the most dangerous animals walking Earth. Why? Because we have the most powerful weapon in our arsenal and yet do not take responsibility for it's impact on the world.... What is this weapon? WORDS!

Words are the most powerful thing known to man. Screw guns, missiles, global warming... WORDS!!! Want to know why? I can say something to one person, and it translates completely differently to someone else. It's interesting how this works. It's like you put a dollar in the machine and the Sprite you hit the button for doesn't come out. Sometimes, you get a freakin Coke (and you know you love Pepsi over Coke). It's like hey the machine stole my damn dollar. Where in the hell is my Sprite???

More and more, I realize people are too reckless with their words. They don't take enough responsibility for the words they put out there. From hip-hop artists to politicians (FACTCHECK.ORG people... Hold McCain & Obama accountable for what they say) to freaking family members... It's just a full army of people, armed with a loaded rifle not knowing how to shoot. So they shoot any which-a-ways, end up hitting something other than their intended target, and then are so quick to say what is arguably the most OVERUSED phrase in American History (second to "I want to thank God" after receiving an award): "I'm SORRY." Or they're so quick to say "that's not what I meant..." Quick to say "you're twisting what I'm trying to say..." Or my favorite, "What about my first amendment right to free speech?" But the thing is once you've put those words out there, you can't take em back. And then you have to worry about how others receive those words. But yet again I realize, people don't think about it.

Now I, like others, always say, "I can't concern myself with how people receive what I'm trying to say." But I will admit that I've got it wrong. I think we have to in order to combat this irresponsible behavior that's infected everyone like a virus. It's not okay to use words to hurt someone, because you are inherently trying to demean and lower that person. For example, if your intent is genuine and this person has confided in you something of deep value or personal anguish to them, you can't call them stupid. What you do by saying that is 2 things... 1. You convey to that person that you think that you are better than them. Why? Because they're stupid and you are better at making decisions than they are. But that's not what you said right??? (Notice the intent.) 2. You convey that they are not on your level and because that's the case, you can't see yourself understanding why they made the decisions they made. But here's the thing. It's not your job to understand why someone does what they do. I think it's your job to say, "because I love you I will support. Because I don't understand, I'm going to use my better judgment that you have made a good decision." I could go down the aisle of hip-hop music, but that's a whole other article in itself. AND I REFUSE TO LOSE SLEEP OVER THAT CRAP TONIGHT!!!

It's not okay to use words to hurt people. It's not okay to be judgmental. IT'S NOT OKAY!!!!

In the words of Barack Obama, it's time for a Change We Need. Not tomorrow. TODAY... Not next week.TODAY... Not in the next year sometime. TODAY... It's time that we as a people become more aware of the words we use when talking to others; that we as a people understand the impact of our words on others; that we as a people understand the impact that we have on others' live. IT'S TIME FOR A CHANGE WE NEED.... TODAY!

Ok now that I'm finished my pseudo speech, I want to empower anyone still reading to let 1 person know, when you see them making a negative comment or calling someone a name or laughing at others' misfortunes... Walk up to them, tap em on the shoulder and tell them "IT'S NOT OKAY THAT YOU JUST DID THAT!" That's how we can make a change... More than that, that's how we can get to the Change We Need TODAY!.

For anyone who's still reading, if you have any suggestions, tell me what you think. Tell me if you think I've got it wrong. Tell me if you think I've got it right. Tell me if I missed something. And until the next time, it's been real people.


P.S: Thanks Johnny. The next time I grab some Cold Stone and McDonalds (since I'm trying to win the $100,00 daily prize), I'll be sure to give ya a call. Wink