Friday, October 24, 2008

I Can't Believe She Did That

Hey guys,

So a couple of quick things before we get into tonight's blog... Thanks so much to everyone that texted me, called me, emailed me, hit me on Facebook about the last 2 blogs. I definitely didn't expect it to get that reaction but it was really appreciated.

2nd thing, I'm feeling antsy tonight. So this means I may probably put up 2 blogs tonight. I hope you all like them both.

Ok... The topic of tonight's blog: Republic college student Ashley Todd. For those of you who don't know Ashley Todd, she's a college student volunteering to work with the Republican party (helping John McCain get elected) out in either Pittsburgh, New York or Texas. The story wasn't real clear on that part. Why am I devoting a blog to her? Her story is that she lied to the cops, said that a 6'4" black man attacked her and scratched the letter 'B' on her face in retaliation for having a sticker in support of John McCain on her car. To read the story yourself, head over to MSNBC. Here's the link: McCain volunteer charged in attack hoax.

Now I'm upset from a bunch of different perspectives. As a black man just trying to make it... As a supporter of Barack Obama... As a proud American. As a black man, I can't believe that people could display such an ignorance that they would take the presence of black people in America as a joke; so much so that they can continue to pin false allegations against us. We have enough problems already. As a black man, I was taught to be cautious about how I walk in the street, how quickly I walk, what I wear, who I am associated with, the times of day I go out... Why? Because a lot of people already fear me because of my skin color. AND NOW this girl decides to fabricate such vicious lies, making the perception that black men are all dangerous seem all the more real, except it's not. But I bet she didn't think about this when she ran into a police station and concocted such a foolish story. And what about the people who really have been attacked? She's turned their ordeals into a mockery because of her lies.

As a supporter of Barack Obama, I am the biggest advocate for hearing the other side of the story. I like John McCain. I think he's a smart man who's political story definitely makes him a well qualified candidate for the Office of the President of the United States. I also disagree with his position on a number of things (especially the idea of health care not being a right for all Americans). But at the end of the day, I still respect him... Respect him enough to respect that there are people who do agree with him, like this young lady. I know I'm not the only Barack Obama supporter in America who shares this view. So my question is why did this young lady feel the need to paint out Obama supporters as such extremists that we would go this far, as to scar someone's face in support of the man? That was just completely unnecessary.

I won't get started on being a proud American, except to say as a proud American, I hold all others to the same laws as I do myself which are based on the Constitution. What's the first amendment say??? Something about the right to free speech??? I'm going to go the distance and say, anyone who attacks someone else because they don't agree with what the person is saying is committing an act that is un-American and I could never support any reasoning to rationalize/defend the act. And now let's introduce the fact that this young lady lied... What was the basis of her act? I don't know, but I'll tell ya I don't care because to allege something so traumatic happened to her and then have it turn out to be false makes her somewhat of a selfish person. And it's people like that that shouldn't have the same rights as others.

God bless her... She may have meant well, but I'll definitely say she has no sympathy from me for any backlash she faces from the court system. This is ignorance and selfishness at its best and I can not condone it. Why spend a whole blog about it then? Because I think people should be aware of events like this so that we truly understand what's happening in the world.... POLITICS I TELL YA!

Ok, as always, I want to hear from you guys. If you think I was too harsh, let me know. If you think I was too kind, let me know. If you agree/disagree, let me know. 

Until next time,


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